
The use and disclosure of our data is permitted only for the purpose of placing an order or booking or for the purpose of using this website as a service resource.


Let us know your requirements so we can assist in managing your yacht.

Why book with us?

Reliable and Safe

We are experts who know their job very well! Let yourself be inspired by our work.

No hidden fees

The price quoted on our website is always the final price. Service is very important to us!

We’re Always for you Here

We are always there for you, always remember when you need support and believe you can not do it on your own ...


Responsibility according to § 5 TMG

Goesebrink 10a
44329 Dortmund
Deutschland / Germany
Phone: +49 231 1898 475

Responsible person:
Adam Zietek

The language of communication

The language of communication of our company is GERMAN.

Dispute settlement

In accordance with EU Regulation No. 524/2013, the EU Commission has provided an interactive website (OS platform) for the resolution of out-of-court disputes arising from online legal transactions.
We are not willing and obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer dispute resolution body.

Copyright and use

The author concretely grants you the right of use to make a private copy for personal use. You are not entitled to change the materials and / or pass on or even publish yourself.
If you suspect that this website violates any of your intellectual property rights, please notify us immediately by electronic mail so that remedial action can be taken promptly. Please note: The more time-consuming involvement of a lawyer to pay for the service provider fee does not correspond to his real or presumptive will.
Upon notification of violations, we will remove such content immediately.

No Liability

The contents of this website have been carefully checked and to the best of our knowledge. But for the information presented here no claim to completeness, topicality, quality or accuracy. It can not be held responsible for damage caused by reliance on the contents of this website or its use.

Demarcation / External links

The web presence is part of the WWW and accordingly linked to third-party web sites that can be changed at any time, which consequently are not subject to this area of responsibility and for which the following information does not apply.
External links in our offer refer to third-party content on which Dropika has only limited influence, as the input of the link into our database under one-time control at the time of the offer was made and a regular control of the foreign content for economic reasons is not possible. The content of the linked pages is always the responsibility of the respective provider or operator of the pages. Therefore, we dissociate ourselves from this content even if it is linked to our pages.
Upon notification of violations, we will remove such links immediately.

“If you have nothing to hide, there is no reason not to be transparent.!”

- Mohamed ElBaradei

Do You Have Questions? Contact us.

Yacht-Charter, Segelboot-Charter und Motorboot-Charter

Bootsverleih, Charter mit Skipper, Boot mieten, Crewed Yacht-Charter, Bareboat-Charter bei YachtABC und Dropika

Griechenland, Kroatien, Karibik und Deutschland Yacht chartern. Segeln im Mittelmeer, Segelreisen

Wir bitten Yacht Charter, Sailing, Segeln, Bootchartern und Yachtchartern

Erfüllen Sie Ihren Traum in Kroatien, Traum - Segelrevier. Machen Sie ein Traum - Segelurlaub

„“ bietet Segelboote - Charter für verschiedene Anlässe an, ob Sie nun einen romantischen Ausflug zu zweit planen, Segelurlaub oder ein Skippertrainig brauchen. Unsere Segelboote sind modern, gut ausgestattet und sicher. Chartern Sie eine Segelyacht bei uns. Bei „“ finden Sie Segelboote namhaften Herstellern wie Bavaria, Dufour, Dehler, Jeanneau, Beneteau, Hallberg-Rassy und … „“ bietet eine große Auswahl an Jollen, Katamaranen und Kiel-Segelyachten. Bei „“ finden Sie ein Segelboot für Ihr Segeltörn!!!

Skippertraining oder Kojencharter. Segeln lernen.